Saturday, May 17, 2008


Well, I wound up matting 6 works and floating the rest using a stapler. I know it isn't the most "pro" thing to do, but my hands were getting really sore and the cardboard I was using to as a cheap substitute for a "self-healing" mat was in need of sutures. So, I finished up around 10 pm with all of that and decided to catch up on The Office, a show that, since we no longer have TV, I have missed each Thursday this season and failed to catch up with online on Friday for the last two weeks. Had to get me Office fix!

Today I have to clean out what is supposed to be my in-home studio. I don't get to use it... ever... because, when I do, a tittle two-year-old wannabe Michelangelo runs in and swipes my stuff, colors on my work... basically, I cannt get anything done! But, Gabe is great and I love him too much to get angry with him, so I simply don't go in there and I keep it locked. SO... we have a friend from New Jersey who is moving back to Texas with his wife who is close to due with their first child. They are stopping here for a night en route to Texas. I have to fix up my studio as a temporary bedroom today. I think I will try to have that done and the house cleaned before Mike and Gabe return from camping around lunch time. Mike did a ton of housework before he left (thanks, honey! Love you!) but I still have a bit remaining, namely the bathroom to clean and floors to mop. Right now, as I type, I am watering the garden.

And speaking of the garden, none of my carrots have yet to sprout. :( I think that I will re-plant those two rows in a few days if there is still no sign of carrot sprouts. We had a really heavy rain the night I planted them. They may have washed away. Or the rain may have driven the seeds to deep. They need to be planted shallow. Regardless of the whys, there are no carrots and that needs to be remedied. On another note, we now have two rows of lettuce sprouts and I need to think lettuce, radishes, cucumbers, canteloupes, and watermelons. I think I will give the melon sprouts to someone. They look really strong.


plain jane said...

I love the new format!

Beverly B. said...

Sometimes you can only do what you can do. Those kids are lucky to have you. By the way Tom and I love your circle mural from your old school.