Blossom End Rot is a malady which affects many vegetable plants. Basically, when pollination fails, the vegetable that is on the vine that went unpollinated whithers and dies. Unfortunately I have had to remove 6 or 7 zucchini due to this. It is due, primarily, to a shortage of bees. One can "hand pollinate," which is something of a temporary fix, since how can a large farm sustain it's crops on hand pollination? I want to look into the bee shortage further before I comment too much on it, but there is a little that I do know. There is a virus of some type, or something like that, that attacks bees and causes confusion so that millions of bees lose their way, never to return to their hives. That is bad. But, there is another problem which causes a similar fate to the bees that is linked directly to cellular phone signals. Man! I really like the convenience of a cell phone, but, at what expense are we allowing ourselves this luxury?
Like I said, I need to look into it further. For now, I reallly miss the honey bees.
Here is a link that gives a brief story about the bees and Colony Collapse Disorder.
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